
When to Schedule

True Emergency Urgent Semi-Urgent Not Urgent
  • Respiratory distress
  • Anorexia >24 hours
  • Vomit < 3 times
  • Itchy skin
  • Collapse
  • Known foreign body ingestion, ill
  • Accute diarrhea without vomiting
  • Chronic weight loss
  • Unable to walk
  • Aggressive cough with/out distress
  • Straining to defecate
  • Chronic illness with no recent change
  • Straining to urinate male cat
  • Trouble during labour
  • Straining to urinate male cat
  • Red eyes, ears, skin
  • Adhesive seizure (more than 2 in 24 hours)
  • 2 or more seizures in 24 hours
  • Witnessed ingestion of foreign body (not sick)
  • Hair loss
  • Severe trauma
  • Diarrhea with vomiting and/or anorexia
  • Straining to urinate of hematuria dog or female cat
  • 1 Seizure with full recovery
  • Profuse bleeding
  • Mild trauma
  • Small wounds/lacerations
  • Snake bite
  • Witnessed ingestion of rat bait
  • Broken toe nail
  • Persistent non-productive retching
  • Persistent non-productive retching
  • Cough not affecting breathing
  • Swollen abdomen
  • Swollen abdomen
  • Eye squinting/discharge
  • Persistent or severe vomiting
  • Persistent or severe vomiting
  • Limping
  • Known toxin ingestion
  • Known toxin ingestion
  • Allergic reaction
  • Allergic reaction
See now or refer to ER Schedule < 24 hours Schedule 24-48 Hours Schedule in a week